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Hi, I'm Bill
Morrison(the guy on the left). |
The days of the armwrestler winning by strength alone are long
gone. Today's successful armwrestlers are individuals who train on arm wrestling tables
for technique and also with exercise equipment for strength.
I've never seen a powerlifter with little armwrestling experience beat an experieced
puller who may be half the size.Actually I saw it once, but the guy was a monster!
Paul Levesque, who has trained many Canadian and World Champions, says that everyone has
the potential to become a World Class competitor. All it takes is the practice and
dedication, and determination.
The worst thing to do is get discouraged if you enter your first tournament, and don't do
well. You can ask every great armwrestler, they have lost a lot of matches to become
I hear from a lot of people who say,"I'm a horrible arm wrestler." But I've also
seen these same people with a couple of months of training take 1st places
at tournaments.
-Always put your index finger over your thumbnail when you
take your grip.
-Load up on your hand by keeping your index finger as high up as you can.
-Apply some back pressure (pull your hand toward yourself).An easy way to train
this is to do a lot of hammer curls.
-If the start is "ready go" try to make sure your hit is on the
"y" of "ready".You are allowed 3 fast starts, and the fastest
competitor wins a large percentage of the time.
-Keep your arm as close to your body as possible without touching your hand to your
shoulder.Once you open up your arm, you lose your leverage and position.
-hammer curls with or without preacher curl
-Wire cutting(cut 1/2 inch of wire at a time)
-wrist curls
-concentration curls
-chin ups
-rope climbing(one of the best!)
-Heavy Duty Grippers and exercises from John Brookfield's "Mastery of Hand
Strength" book. Ordering information for both products can be found HERE. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THE GRIPPERS
I bought grippers#1 to #3 and found that they are impossible to
put down, which is bad for overtraining, but they are great to work with. Only a
half-dozen or so people in the World have ever closed #3 gripper, and I'm hoping to close
it within a year.I can close it within a 1/2inch, but then it doesn't seem to want to
move. If I couldn't close it with 2 hands, I wouldn't believe it could actually be closed.
I have only seen about a half dozen guys even close #2 gripper and I've given it to
loggers,farmers, and weightlifters to try.
John Brookfield's book has also been a huge inspiration for me as I refer to it all the
time and try to master his exercises. It is an easy and enjoyable read and is a must for
all serious arm wrestlers.
This tape features the basics- the Toproll and the Hook...
It was produced by Paul Levesque,Canadian Champion and features Christine Flicka, 1996 WAF
Champion. In addition to the techniques, it goes over work-out exercises and has
tournament footage.
Ken Faragher (on the left), Left Arm 1996 and Right Arm1998 Canadian
Champion 100KG, from Fort Frances, Ontario, holds Rob McNamara from Nova Scotia
one inch from the pinline. Ken ends up bringing Rob back and pinning him.This takes
strong bicep strength which Ken credits to doing heavy hammer curls a couple of
times a week. I've personally seen Ken hammer curl 100# dumbells for 20 reps.